What does it look like to be salt and light at work? Let’s unpack it.

If God brought you to the workplace to love others well, and to grow you... What does that actually look like?


Practical content

It’s our joy to research and share the knowledge. The basis of all we do is the Bible, the inerrant word of God. We use everything that honors him to help you be prepared to show up at work confident in Christ and your ability to come alongside your co-workers in impactful ways. Read our book, Authentic Conversations to get started, and consider Coach Training to reach your work goals.

Custom training

Whether it is for you alone, your ERG, your team or group, or your whole company, we are here to help you discern your goals, develop a strategy, and identify your next steps. Our live and in person training will prepare you to listen, ask questions, build trust, and develop relationships that allow the unique you to shine for Christ in a way that honors your company.

Coaching & support

Have questions? Unsure where to start? Schedule a free strategy session with Abigail to help you sort out what you are experiencing and what you want. Schedule a 15-minute call or a 45-minute Zoom call and get started! This is your safe place to ask questions, gain confidence, and plan for next steps to move you forward in your faith at work.